Easter Eve

This evening we've invited them over for dinner. My sister and I plan to go outside in the beautiful spring weather. Well, we'll see about that, maybe we go out and fill the holes in the road, maybe not. Later on today we'll go playing carcassonne with our cousine at least he said he wanted to own us in that game.

For the moment we're listening to the best song from the Swedish songcontest: Tingeling. The guys that send the music postcard from every town they were in. Haha. This year's songs was not that good. Then again Eurovision Song Contest music isn't the best.
(skrivet och påbörjat 10:41)

And own us he did. Too many times. We are suck at strategic games.

Out we din't went, not yet anyway. (skrivet och påbörjat 17:05)

This night I had a really weird dream about my sister and I.
Later on with that.

Now over to skype to talk to my darling.

Postat av: Anonym

Jag kikar in och vill självklart önska dig en GLAD PÅSK!

2009-04-11 @ 16:59:25
URL: http://annaelisabethlinde.blogg.se/

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